For this exercise we were tasked with hiding the follower count of an Instagram account page while still having the information accessible.

I chose to remove the follower count and re-center the posts and following numbers. Then, I chose to add the follower information under the dropdown menu on the following button. This means that you would have to be following a user to view their follower count since this dropdown menu is not available when viewing an account you don't follow. From the dropdown menu you would just select the "other followers" button to view that users follower count and see who follows them.



After critique I had a few small changes to make. I removed the posts and following numbers completely and moved the follow and message buttons up. I also nudged the profile picture over as well as bringing the account names together. These changes along with changing the "other followers" button to "followers" and adding a search bar to the followers panel helped make the profile more streamlined and easy to navigate.

